Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Extra Blog : September

For this month I've began to work with 1 kid. I was suppose be to working with 2 other kids but one of the boys mom's never got back to me about when to get her approval. As for the other boy, he is a more recent case, I need to go back to the office so I can check what school he goes too. For now, the kid I'm working with is a very relaxed, funny little kid. He's in the 4th grade and his favorite thing to do is play sports or draw. I go to his school and get to take him out of class for an hour. So far I've gone to see him 5 times. I have a bag that my mentor gave me that has supplies like a deck of playing cards, drawing book, colored pencils, colored markers, crayons, a soft toy football, and some clay. 

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