Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

  1. What other effective treatments are there for depression? 
  2. Why do people stop taking antidepressants when it says they shouldn't?
  3. Will the client gradually lay off the depressants or what happens?
  4. Family plays a huge role for a client, but what if the persons family just isn't there for them?
  5. How is exercising an effective way of treating depression? 
  6. Will psychotherapy be an effective treatment for every client?
  7. Will a client be open the first time meeting them?
  8. How long should a session usually last? 
  9. Are antidepressants recommended for children with depression?
  10. Will clients not hide how they are feeling most of the time? 
  11. How is combining antidepressants and talk therapy effective? 
  12. Are there are more treatments that can be as effective as talk therapy? 
  13. Is talk therapy still effective even if it's a group session? 
  14. Will antidepressants usually work for most clients? 
  15. What basic exercises should clients do at home? 
  16. Will exercising show a vast improvement when seeing a client again? 
  17. If a client stops exercising after doing it for so long, will the symptoms of depression come back?
  18. Will a client ever need more than one psychologist? 
  19. Can't antidepressants just make symptoms of depression worse? 
  20. The goal of talk therapy is for the client to figure out why they are how they are. What if the client doesn't want to face there problems? 

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